What is Affiliate Marketing?

Affiliate marketing is actually part of digital marketing. Most people know digital marketing, including social media marketing, SEM (Search Engine Marketing / Search Engine marketing), SEO (search engine optimization / search engine optimization), EDM (Email Direct Marketing / email marketing) and so on … And affiliate marketing is a very important part of digital marketing. This article will introduce the basic knowledge of affiliate marketing. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.

Affiliate Marketing Approach

After the advertiser (e.g. online shop) joins the affiliate network, it will promote the advertiser’s product (e.g. blog posts) through a large number of different publishing media (e.g. blogs) under the affiliate network. As various promotional activities will be contacted, a large number of target customers can generate purchase behavior or other conversions. Advertisers pay commissions to each publisher for the conversion.

The difference between affiliate marketing and traditional digital marketing

Although affiliate marketing is a type of digital marketing, affiliate marketing is very different from other digital marketing, no matter in the promotion budget, target customers and management for promotion campaign. So affiliate marketing needs a professional affiliate network to take charge.

Affiliate Marketing

  • Focus on marketing effectiveness, pay commission only for each conversion
  • Better publishing speed and content quality
  • Broad target audience
  • Professional affiliate network manages all publisher for advertisers

Traditional Digital Marketing

  • Pay a lot of money before advertising
  • Inefficient in promotion
  • No specific target audience
  • Advertisers need to manage each release media by themselves

Affiliate Advertiser

Advertisers are merchants who create promotion activities. Promotion activities include online shopping, limited-time offers, booking tickets, filling in forms or registration, etc … When advertisers join the affiliate network, the promotion campaign will appear on the affiliate platform, so that all publisher can participate in the promotion immediately. Advertisers only need to contact an affiliate network, and the affiliate network will manage all the publisher for the merchant.

Affiliate Publisher

Website owners / publishing media can find various promotional campaigns through the affiliate platform, select their suitable brands for promotion, and use different promotional methods, such as: blogs, loyalty programs, cash rebate sites, price sites, discount sites, display types Advertising, email promotion, etc. to increase exposure and attract customers to buy. In simple terms, the website owner can get a certain percentage of commission as a reward for selling goods for the merchant.

Affiliate Network

As an intermediary between advertisers and website owners, the affiliate platform finds suitable and high-quality website owners for advertisers, and also finds advertisers in various industries for website owners. The affiliate platform also provides a professional and accurate affiliate tracking system to record every conversion data.

If you have any questions about affiliate marketing, please feel free to contact us. We’ll answer them in detail, and will publish more articles about affiliate marketing knowledge.